Super Size We
Episode 6, Part 1
I don’t mean to start off negative or anything buuuuuuut this is the WORST episode because it features the WORST girl. Nothing wrong with the character in particular, but for purposes of this site, she’s a waifu that just can’t be nude.
As you can see, the new girl is a (cheap CG) skeleton. The only boners you’ll get from this are from the ones she’s made of, and the afterthought of her creation. You’re free to skip to Part 2.
Honeda‘s story is that she was a mage who was wrongly executed, and now she’s an unfinished business zombie skeleton. How she ended up in his apartment was because Laika’s been collecting all her truck-scattered bones under his bed until she got every part of her.
And this is the worst part of worst girl. Her magically reformed skin is just a visibly cute face while the rest of it is a big clear blob protecting her skeleton. She’s technically still naked, but this is also why she can’t be for-real naked since she’s practically wearing a body suit the whole time. Unless you’re into that, then this is your last chance to skip to Part 2.
Anyway, before she even forms her blob, she declares that she’s fat. And that makes her too embarrassed to enjoy her new life in this isekai. Luckily with her transparent blobby body, Naoe can see that her spine slouches forward, which has an affect on her insides. He teaches her stretches and exercises to strengthen her lower back which will further improve her posture.
After all that work, she’s now slimmed down and ready to explore the world with her second chance at life. But now her soul has to move on. All that time she spent with her new friends since her lonely and unjust execution was just the business she needed to finish.
Also she’s a fairy. A “for-real naked” fairy. She should’ve been that instead. Everyone mourns the loss of their new waifu friend and regrets that she couldn’t live longer past her new healthier self, but…
…then she lives again because all that remorse revived her with a renewed lease on life. Yay? Eh. This part’s over now.
Episode 6, Part 2
It’s still winter, but it’s still not an obstacle for exercise. They’re all properly bundled for it, but Kuroeda isn’t having fun.
She falls down and a dried lizard falls out of her pocket. She has it “just in case,” but Naoe can’t stand in it’s presence because of a crippling phobia of reptiles since he got bit by a snake once. And that’s his cue to go back to work while the other 2 continue jogging in the cold.
Elfuda trips over a girl buried in snow and quickly warms her up back at the apartment.
Turns out she’s a manI mean, she was a dragon manOr, maybe she was just a, dragon.
Gonda fell asleep in the snow because of the fatigue from exercising, since she’s fat too. This gives Kuroeda an idea. Dragons are known to hoard treasure, so she decides to enlist Naoe/”The Dragon Slenderer” to help her lose weight in hopes of them being rewarded with her riches.
Treasure means less time at work for Kuroeda, and Elfuda can buy all the fries she wants…or she can just go to Red Robin or Islands or something, but Japan doesn’t have those…I think…
Naoe comes home and is kept hidden from the fact that she’s a dragon, due to his phobia mentioned earlier. He notices her ice cold, cold-blooded skin and forked tongue, but is distracted enough to get back to work.
Doing abdominal exercises will keep the supposed hypothermia away, but even something easier like arm-swinging and hip rotations will do the job too.
And he finds out. Now he dead. But all that help was enough to convince Gonda that they’re worthy of a share of her hoarded treasure.
Apparently, some people like to put rocks in their sink for decorative purposes. I don’t get it, and it sounds unhygienic overall. The End.
Episode 7, Part 1
YAY! Elfuda’s slim again! Now she can buy fries again! But a small size this time. This anime doesn’t really mention this, but portion control is a vital option for weight loss. It’s not just what you eat, it’s how much of it you count and balance. Nutritionists also agree that abstinence will only increase cravings whether or not it’s a healthy alternative. This is also a broad subject and is suggested you talk to a nutritionist and/or read up on this because cartoons can only teach you so much. This paragraph is also so much and ok I’ll stop.
Oh boy, A NEW CHARACTER! And look at how BIG she is! She greets Elfuda as the thousandth customer and awards her a year supply of free fry coupons which she can use RIGHT NOW! Oh no…
But what’s this sinister look? We’ll see. Anyway, it’s time for Naoe’s waifu rotation.
Mmmmwelp, now she’s fat…again. Because of the coupons she just used.
And now HE’S fat…again! Because same reason.
Kuroeda senses that the fries were charmed with magic to make the fries more delicious. But Elfuda’s actually immune to magic…
It’s the Bad Burger lady again! Back for…revenge?
Oh, she was actually Satero in disguise. You probably knew that already if you read her name tag. She’s here for payback because she was ENF’d the last time.
Her revenge is simple, now she’ll make Elfuda ENF herself and suffer the same humiliation, because that’s how anime works and such. Also clothes explode when you touch them…because that’s how THAT works too.
But Elfuda’s fine with it. This isn’t some high school romantic comedy. Also it’s because he’s a doctor (?) and he’s licensed to practically “grope” her everyday at the clinic.
Double drat. Her plan failed because she’s actually the only girl in this entire thing who’s embarrassed about being naked unlike the others.
Episode 7, Part 2
Today, the girls discover boxing. An intense workout that is even capable of knocking themselves out. Naoe is fortunate to have this new gym since the Boss bought it, and it’s available for practice while it’s closed.
Also she bought the place so she can watch all those tough, fit, and testosteroned men sweat and grunt hard as they punch those bags. She loves her job so much.
It helps that boxing is also a sport, since having fun while staying in shape will go hand in hand in health.
He spars with all the girls, except for Oga because she’s waaaay above their own levels of power. That feel when you can’t even be partners with the teacher.
A new challenger approaches! She’s come for training too, but she’s mistakenly arrived off hours. She also has a surprise:
Hitome is a regular, but she’s never sparred with anyone since she’s also overpowered. Luckily, they just so happen to have a partner that’s totally suitable…but also…
…because they’re both giants, they’re both known to be naturally competitive and will fight for dominance until they can’t. And they’re all out of bubble gum.
ED Stitches
And that’s all of the Plus Size Wives introduced…thus far. So yeah, there’s one more, buuut you won’t see her til two episodes later. Both her and the later episodes will be worth it too, so look forward to those.
Episodes 6-7 are based on Chapters 13-17